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Next Trainers Refresher Course Dates

I wanted to share with you that the following courses which are coming up in the next couple of months so that you can ensure you had time to book them into your diary.

In addition to evidencing your current knowledge, understanding and skills relating to physical intervention and handcuffing trainer skills, it is now our intention to upskill those attending by introducing and incorporating advanced physical intervention and handcuffing skills into our courses.

We will be demonstrating and practising higher-risk physical skills and handcuffing techniques whilst reviewing and discussing the legal, medical, technical and tactical implications involved with the use of these types of techniques.

New Dates…

The next round of your Trainer’s continued professional development will be taking place on 24th October 2023 and 23rd April 2024.

Change of Venue Location to Leicester

The new location for our courses is The Premier Inn Hotel, Leicester Fosse Park, Braunstone, Lane East Leicester LE3 2FW -

Tea, coffee, refreshments and lunch meal are all included within the course fee.

ICM Trainers – Combined Physical Intervention and Handcuff Refresher Course

The next Combined Physical Intervention and Handcuff Refresher course will be taking place on 24thOctober 2023. To book your place onto this course please click the following link and scroll down to ‘buy course’ -

ICM Trainer’s - Physical Intervention ONLY Refresher course

The next Physical Intervention ONLY Refresher course will be taking place on 24th October 2023. To book your place onto this course please click the following link and scroll down to ‘buy course’ -

ICM Trainer’s – Mapping-over to the ICM-NVC Physical Intervention and/or Handcuff Skills Awards

For already qualified trainers who wish to map-over on 24th October 2023 and gain the knowledge and comprehension to deliver training quality assured through the ICM then please click on the following link –

If you have any questions about the courses, or the fact that your certification may expire before the next scheduled course, or you wish to speak about any other related matter then please give me a call or book a meeting with me to discuss.

Please share the above information with anyone you feel may be interested or would benefit of gaining trainer accreditation recognition through the ICM-NVC Awareness – thank you.

Looking forward to meeting you on the next course.

The next courses…

The next course will take place on 23rd April 2024


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