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What the law says - Violence and Aggression at Work

Health and safety law applies to the risks from work-related violence in the same way it does to other risks across the workplace area.

Health and Safety at Work Act

The Act places a legal duty on employers to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable the health, safety, and welfare of workers.

There must be a policy in place demonstrating how staff health, safety and welfare is managed.

Managing of Health and Safety at Work

Employers are required to assess the risks from challenging, aggressive or violent behaviours to their staff. Furthermore, employers must:

- Appoint competent people to carry out risk assessments

- Set up emergency procedures

- Provide information, instruction, training and supervision

- Share good practice procedures

Employees/staff must use the information, instruction and training they have received to report incidents, dangerous situations or failing systems and procedures.

Lone and/or Remote Worker

Anyone who works on their own or in pairs for any protracted period of time. Do your employers/managers/supervisors know:

- Who you are meeting, when you are meeting them and how you are meeting that person(s)?

- If you must raise the alarm, what processes or personal protective equipment do you have?

- If you do raise the alarm, who is responding and how?

Contact us for help, support or advice on anything to do with workplace safety.

Contact us for help, support or advice on anything to do with workplace safety.

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