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Handcuff Training Course

Handcuff Training Course




Who is the course designed for?

This handcuff training course is designed for staff who from time-to-time may have to use handcuff restraints as a temporary immobilisation device to preserve and maintain the safety of the individual concerned. 

Following the need to restrain an individual who is then assessed as being required to be placed into handcuff restraint, they need to be safely applied and removed. 

Ideally attendees will have previously received some form of Conflict Management and Physical Intervention training or an equivalent experience of both.

Course syllabus

  • Refresh conflict management (knowledge check)

  • Discuss the law relating to the use of reasonable force

  • Refresh physical intervention techniques

  • Advanced physical intervention techniques related to cuffing procedures

  • Demonstrate carriage, safe application, and removal of cuffs

  • Demonstrate the application of cuffs on a potentially un-co-operative person

  • Post incident management and welfare support

Course Benefits

You will be qualified in the safe application and removal of handcuffing (as covered on the course) equipment. Handcuffing skills should not be the ‘go-to’ response when managing situations of challenging behaviour. 

The techniques learnt during the handcuff training course have been medically risk assessed and are taught in accordance with current Home Office guidelines.

Delivery, Assessment and Certification

  • Formal presentation, group work and practical exercises

  • Learner knowledge is evidenced through questions and group discussion.

  • The course is nationally recognised and certificated


Trainer Initial Course - Level 3 Delivering Conflict Management Training
Trainer Initial Course - Level 3 Delivering Conflict Management Training

Trainer Initial Course - Level 3 Delivering Conflict Management Training

This qualification is designed to provide training for people who wish to teach conflict management skills. It is aimed at individuals who already hold or are in the process of obtaining recognised teaching or presentation skills training, and who now require a more specialist qualification.

Conflict Management Training
Conflict Management Training

Conflict Management Training

Individuals who need to know how to recognise aspects of conflict that may be encountered in the workplace.

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