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Duty of care

Updated: Jul 26, 2021 yourself, the person your support and others persons close by

This video comes on the back of a number of recent video interviews by Mark and Eric which looked at (1) the issues involved with techniques which are classified as being approved, or consequently not an approved, and (2) blaming staff when things go wrong

In this short video I talk about some of the issues related to points 1 and 2 above, which can have a detrimental impact on our duty of care; legal obligation to act in the best interest of the people we are supporting and a duty of care to preserve our own safety..

Additionally, some of the issues that can arise from a 'no physical intervention' policy, particularly when written without an evidential supportive basis. There may be very extreme circumstances when it may be necessary to physically intervene. Either to prevent harm from actually occurring or to prevent harm (that is already occurring) from worsening. On the basis of such a policy a person may find themselves subject to disciplinary proceedings for carrying out actions which are not deemed to be in line with that policy.

NOTE...I subscribe to the need to continue to reduce the need to use physical intervention and therefore when used 'all' physical intervention must be judged as being necessary!

Once you have watched the video please leave your comments below, or contact me to discuss further

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