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10 Steps towards Developing a Personal Safety Plan

Most attacks, particularly violent crimes like assault, domestic violence and sexual assault, often involve someone known to the victim.


Stats from across the UK.

- 60% of all violent crimes occurred between 6 PM and 6 AM. 

- Many crimes involve strangers but a considerable are known individuals.

- Over 60% of victims knew the perpetrator.


6 PM and 6 AM aligns with when people are more likely to be in situations involving alcohol, nightlife or social activities.


10 Step towards making a Personal Safety Plan


1. Identify emergency contacts

2. Know your local emergency numbers

3. Create an emergency communication plan

4. Know safe places to go

5. Create a go-bag

6. Familiarise Yourself with Your Local Area

7. Understand evacuation procedures

8. Sign up for emergency alerts

9. Have a support network

10. Learn basic First Aid and CPR


By following these steps, you can be better prepared for various emergencies and have a solid foundation of safety in mind before having to consider self-defence techniques.


REMEMBER - prior planning and preparation prevents poor performance.


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