Who’s Actually In Charge?
It is a legal requirement for every employer and self-employed person to make an assessment of the health and safety risks arising out of...
Who’s Actually In Charge?
If It Wasn’t Written Down It Didn’t Happen…yeh, yeh, yeh
Workplace Challenges in Modern Society
Staying Alert
You're Not Coming In Because You Are Wearing the Wrong Clothing
Compliance…What Does it Really Mean?
Drink Spiking - Protecting Yourself and Others
It’s Your Story, So Get It Right
Weapons in the Eyes of the Law
Are You Being Controlled or Influenced?
Do the Maths
Caught on Camera
Eyes in the Back of Your Head?
Here We Go Again
Leading By Example
Checking People on the Way In
Did God Jam The Gun?
Building a Platform for Empowerment
Who's Turning Up To Your Training?